Infusion therapy - Radiate from the inside out!

BOOSTER INFUSION THERAPY is a true vitamin bomb and reaches the bloodstream directly without passing through the digestive tract, where it can unfold its full effect.
Infusion therapy
Table of contents

What is infusion therapy and how does it work?

Infusion therapy is the administration of vital substances (such as multivitamin complexes, minerals or trace elements) in liquid form directly into the body's circulation. The infusion is administered via the vein in the forearm. This form of treatment can be used to regenerate the body in cases of a weakened immune system, excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption, states of exhaustion and, above all, anti-ageing therapies.

When can you benefit from infusion therapy?

Exactly what you need when you need it. There are times when your body needs a little more support. With intravenous administration of multivitamin complexes, minerals and trace elements, you can strengthen your body in just 60-90 minutes. Infusion therapies are versatile and can be customised to your individual needs.

While some of the active ingredients are always lost when food supplements are taken orally, 100 % of the ingredients can be absorbed by administering them directly into the bloodstream.

The treatment is simple, low-risk and effective. Infusion therapy is effective for the following indications:

  • Acute viral infections
  • General exhaustion and tiredness
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • for convalescence
  • Support for wound healing
  • Support for cell regeneration
  • Collagen build-up
  • Revitalisation

Infusion of vital substances

The infusion of various vital substances optimally adapted to your needs can noticeably improve your quality of life and well-being. The body relaxes during the administration and is supplied with more energy, making you feel fresher and more vital immediately after the treatment. After a needs analysis, the vitamin cocktail you need is put together for you and administered.

Depending on the indication, we offer you different active ingredients:

  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Mulivitamin B complex (B1, B6, B12)
  • Vitamin B5
  • Magnesium
  • Biotin
  • Echinacea compositum-Heel
  • Engystol
  • Lymphomyosot

For more vitality and well-being - and beauty that comes from within!

Infusion therapy is a real vitamin bomb and reaches the bloodstream directly without passing through the digestive tract, where it can unfold its full effect.

  • Anti-Aging - Improvement of the skin quality and support of the regenerative capacity
  • Stress reduction - Relaxation and deceleration, for stressed minds
  • Burn-out and anxiety - for prevention and support in cases of excessive stress and anxiety
  • Detox - to support detoxification in the case of increased exposure to harmful substances, medicines, amalgam or other heavy metals and alcohol.
  • Strengthening the immune system - for support and prophylaxis in case of infections of all kinds
  • Weight reduction - to support losing weight and maintaining the desired weight
  • Vitality- against chronic fatigue and exhaustion

Frequently asked questions about booster infusion therapy

When is infusion therapy used?

Increasing exposure to stress, an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, environmental influences and the consumption of tobacco products or alcohol can trigger a nutrient deficiency. The consequences can include fatigue, tiredness, listlessness and a general deterioration in skin quality, a dull complexion and premature ageing. Creasing be. Although there is a wide range of food supplements in capsule or tablet form, these are usually insufficiently dosed and cannot be absorbed by the body to the required extent.

When do you see results and what do they look like?

The first effects are already visible and above all noticeable from the first treatment. The infusion immediately relaxes the body and supplies it with the vital substances it needs.

After several sessions, the quality of the skin can be improved, signs of fatigue can be combated, general well-being can be improved and the body's own ability to detoxify can be supported. Susceptibility to infections of all kinds can also be reduced and the immune system strengthened.

How long does the booster infusion therapy last?

On average 30-50 minutes.


Elective medical practice - no health insurance funds

As an elective doctor's practice, we issue an invoice that you can submit to your health insurance company.
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