Botox against migraines

Studies show that treatment with Botox for migraines leads to a significant improvement in around 70% of patients. Botox has been authorised for the treatment of chronic migraines in Europe since 2011. Treatment options in our practices in Vienna and Tulln.
Botox against migraines
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Botox (botulinum toxin type A) has been used for many years not only for cosmetic purposesbut is also used in medicine, including for the treatment of chronic migraines. A study shows that Botox is safe and effective even with long-term treatment of more than 5 years. Patients benefit from a significant reduction in migraine and headache days without any new safety risks.

How does Botox work against migraines?

Botox for chronic migraines works in a surprisingly simple but effective way. Overactive nerves and muscles play an important role in migraines, sending pain signals to the brain and triggering these attacks. Botox, which is actually a neurotoxin, is injected in tiny amounts into certain muscles and nerve regions in the head and neck.

When Botox arrives there, it "calms" the overactive nerves. It blocks the release of chemical messengers that are responsible for pain transmission. The result: the muscles relax and fewer pain signals are sent.

Basically, Botox helps to break the "vicious circle" of migraines by giving the nerves a break. This significantly reduces the number of migraine and headache days - and many sufferers feel noticeably relieved in their everyday lives as a result. It is not just a cosmetic treatment, but one that offers real therapeutic benefits!

When is Botox used for migraines?

Botox is used when someone suffers from Chronic migraine suffers. This means that those affected have at least 15 days per month Headaches, of which at least 8 days real migraine attacks. Botox is often recommended when other preventative measures, such as medication, do not work properly or have unpleasant side effects. In short, Botox is a good option when other therapies are not enough.

How does Botox treatment for migraines work?

The treatment is quite simple: Botox is injected into precisely defined areas of the head and neck - these are small injections in areas such as the forehead, temples, the back of the head, neck and shoulders. The needles are very fine and the procedure is well tolerated. A session usually lasts 15 to 30 minutes. The effect is not immediate - it takes about two to three weeks for the frequency of migraine attacks to decrease. To maintain the effect, the treatment is repeated approximately every 12 weeks.

Long-term study proves the effectiveness of Botox against chronic migraines

The long-term study investigated whether treatment with onabotulinum toxin A (Botox) remains safe and effective in patients with chronic migraine even after more than 5 years of use. The study shows that Botox is safe and effective even after long-term treatment of more than 5 years. Patients benefit from a Significant reduction in migraine and headache dayswithout creating new security risks.

The study results

Participant data:

489 patients, on average 49 years old, of which 82.8 % were women.

The patients had suffered from chronic migraine for an average of 6.4 years.

At the beginning of the study, they had an average of

  • 24.7 headache days per month.
  • 15.7 migraine days per month.
Results of the treatment

Significant improvement:

  • Migraine days were reduced on average by 9.4 days (from 15.7 to 6.3 days per month).
  • Headache days were reduced by 14.9 days (from 24.7 to 9.8 days per month).

Effectiveness: 59.1 % of patients responded well to treatment.

Side effects:

Common side effects:

  • Neck pain (17.5 %)
  • Headache after treatment (17.3 %)
  • Drooping eyelid (8.5 %)
  • Muscle atrophy (e.g. in the temporal region: 7.5 %, trapezius muscle: 3.2 %)

No new security problems: No serious side effects or treatment discontinuations due to tolerability problems were observed.

Treatments in Vienna and Tulln

In our surgeries in 1180 Vienna and in Tulln we offer these treatments. If you have any questions about chronic migraine, please contact us!

Frequently asked questions

Botox (botulinum toxin type A) is a medication that can relax muscles and calm nerves. In chronic migraines, it blocks pain signals in the head and neck area, reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.

Botox is specially designed for people with Chronic migraine that is, if you have at least 15 headache days per month of which at least 8 days are migraine-like. It is often used when other therapies are not sufficient.

The treatment consists of a series of small injections at specific points in the forehead, temples, back of the head, neck and shoulders. A session lasts around 15-30 minutes and is performed every 12 weeks repeated.

The effect usually occurs after 2-3 weeks one. Many patients notice a reduction in migraine frequency after the first treatment.

The effect of Botox usually lasts for about 3 months Therefore, the treatment is repeated every 12 weeks to maintain the effect.

Yes, Botox is safe and has been used for many years in the treatment of chronic headaches. Side effects such as neck pain, temporary drooping of an eyelid or muscle weakness are possible but rarely serious.

In many cases, statutory health insurance companies cover the costs if the diagnosis Chronic migraine and other therapies have not helped sufficiently. 

Tip: Cosmetic wrinkle injections can be included in the treatment!

No, Botox does not cure migraines, but it does significantly reduce the number and intensity of attacks. Many sufferers report a noticeable improvement in their quality of life.

Side effects are usually mild, such as neck pain, headaches after treatment or temporary muscle weakness. Severe side effects rarely occur.

After the treatment you should:

  • Avoid heavy physical exertion for 24 hours.
  • Do not rub the treated areas to prevent the Botox from shifting.

Yes, it is possible to use Botox for cosmetic purposes and migraine treatments at the same time.


Elective medical practice - no health insurance funds

As an elective doctor's practice, we issue an invoice that you can submit to your health insurance company.
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