Rosacea treatment Vienna

Rosacea cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be managed with effective rosacea treatment.

Couperose and rosacea treatment

Overview of rosacea treatment with IPL laser


  • The skin is thoroughly cleansed before the treatment.
  • An anaesthetic cream may be applied to minimise discomfort.


  • The laser beam targets dilated blood vessels and redness to reduce them.
  • Depending on the type of laser and the severity of the rosacea, different laser devices can be used, e.g. pulsed dye laser (PDL) or intense pulsed light (IPL).



  • Cooling compresses are applied to soothe the skin.
  • A soothing cream is applied.
  • Patients receive instructions on aftercare, including sun protection measures.


A laser treatment for rosacea takes about 15 to 30 minutes. Usually 3 to 6 sessions are necessary, which are carried out at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks.

  • Redness and swelling in the treated areas, which subside after a few hours to days.
  • A slight burning or stinging sensation during treatment.
  • Temporary skin dryness or scaling.

About 2 days after the rosacea treatment there are visible improvements in the skin.

  • Directly after the treatment: There may be visible redness and swelling, which is why some patients may wish to stay at home for a few days.
  • After a few days: Most side effects subside within a few days and patients are fully socially acceptable.
  • In the long term: With consistent sun protection and skin care, the results of the treatment can be maintained and social fitness quickly restored.

Treatment: from 150,- €*

*Guide prices: The cost of treatment depends on the severity of the rosacea. 

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is not a rare disease; about five percent of the population in this country suffers from its preliminary form, couperosis. In general, people with fair skin types and a corresponding genetic predisposition are more likely to be affected by this disease. Most of the time, the patients are under a lot of psychological stress because of the skin condition on their face.
The transition from couperose to rosacea is a fluid one and should always be recognised by a specialist. experienced dermatologists should be clarified. The skin needs suitable therapy as early as possible in order to regain its balance.

If visible reddened or bluish veins have spread over central areas of the face such as the cheeks or nose, then it is either couperosis or rosacea (copper fin). These inflammatory skin diseases are similar in their symptoms to some allergies, they are accompanied by feelings of tightness and dryness and react to cold or heat. The protective layer of the skin is disturbed and leads to burning or itching, poplars or pustules can form.

 What is couperosis?

Couperosis is the term used to describe vasodilatation, which manifests itself as red veins on the face or unattractive red spots on the décolleté area. Women and men are affected in the same way.

The most common symptoms of couperosis are:

- Redness on nose and cheeks
- Red veins visible due to blood stasis
- dry skin that burns, itches or stings

Rosacea - the difference to couperose

There is no difference between couperosis and rosacea. Couperosis can be considered a preliminary stage of rosacea, but it is the same disease.

The broken veins do not repair themselves. If therapy is not carried out, the symptoms only get worse and the blood flow to the skin is impaired. As a result, the ability to regenerate decreases drastically and the skin becomes more and more damaged.

While the symptoms of couperosis occur periodically, the symptoms of rosacea persist and spread to other parts of the face or body.

Rosacea is an inflammatory, chronic skin disease that is often mistaken for an allergy. The face is characterised by constantly red cheeks and protruding veins. These rednesses develop into pustules and thickenings as the disease progresses, which can also become purulent.

have couperose treated
Couperose Laser Treatment Before and After

The three phases of rosacea

  1. In the first phase (Rosacea erythematosa-teleangiectatica) permanent redness (visible capillaries) forms.
  2. In phase two (Rosacea papulopustulosae), the redness expands to cover the whole face and body, and nodules and purulent pustules form.
  3. The third phase (Glandular hyperplastic rosacea) of the disease can be recognised by the coarse surface of the skin caused by the proliferation of the sebaceous glands.

In men, rosacea can also be manifested by a severely red, bulbous nose. This thickening of the nose is also known medically as "rhinophyma".

The rosacea disease is often mistakenly referred to as late adult acne. In reality, however, it is primarily people with oily skin who were affected by acne in their youth who are more at risk of developing rosacea.

Rosacea usually breaks out in midlife, in women often with the onset of menopause, which is due to high androgen levels.

Trigger of couperosis/rosacea:

Heat, cold, spicy food, irritating skin care products as well as alcohol, nicotine and caffeine can have a triggering effect if there is a genetic disposition. Long-lasting mental imbalance and constant stress are also considered triggers.

Treating rosacea - therapy options

Sclerotherapy by heat treatment:

The therapy depends on the severity of the disease. In the case of couperose or in the early stages of rosacea, painless treatment using LED or IPL (Intense Pulse Light) can be successful. Intense pulsed light is absorbed by the red blood pigment (haemoglobin) and converted into heat. This causes the dilated vessels to shrink.

Laser treatment

In later stages, when the blood vessels are already clearly visible, treatment with a special laser (Fraxellaser 560 Repair), which cauterises the smallest vessels on the surface, is the method of choice. This laser can also be used to treat sensitive areas of the body. The skin, anaesthetised with a special cream, receives a stimulus for renewal and collagen formation from the laser's fragmented particle beams.
In addition, special medical creams that soften the veins and protect the skin from the sun are prescribed by the dermatologist. In difficult cases, systemic antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce inflammation.

What can you do yourself against rosacea?

Home remedies and self-therapy should be avoided at all costs! Rosacea is a serious skin disease that can get worse if not approached correctly. Dermatological consultation and diagnosis are to be made at all costs as soon as you repeatedly have small, red veins on the face get. A suitable therapy can only be recommended by a dermatologist.

  • See a dermatologist in time and have the diseased vessels removed in the early stages.
  • Avoid further damage such as frostbite and sunburn.
  • Couperose creams often aggravate the basic problem. It is better to consult your dermatologist first.
  • Treat your skin to regeneration through Fraxel laser and Mesotherapy Vienna with protective vitamins

Frequently asked questions about rosacea and couperose

The symptoms of the disease can be managed well with professional treatments, but a complete cure is not possible.

The disease can be kept stable through prevention and regular treatment and thus be symptom-free. However, symptoms may reappear. That is why maintenance therapy is recommended.

Three therapies are carried out at intervals of 3 weeks. Thereafter, a maintenance therapy of 1 to 2 x per year is recommended.

Laser treatment is best started in autumn or winter. In the cooler season, the melanin concentration of the skin is at its lowest. The pigment melanin, which is responsible for the tanning of the skin, absorbs the light energy of the laser and thus weakens its effect.

Couperosis is the term used to describe vasodilatation, which manifests itself as red veins on the face or unattractive red spots on the décolleté area. Women and men are affected in the same way.

Patient testimonials

About happy I went to a dermatologist for the first time for a check-up. After a recommendation, I went to see Dr. Orasche. Diagnosis: Rosacea. After the first Lazer treatment I could already see an enormous difference. I am so happy with the results and grateful to have found such a caring, kind and competent doctor! Both the team in Vienna and the practice in Tulln are just great. Absolute recommendation
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From a DocFinder user
From a DocFinder user
Excellent advice I had knotted rosacea for over 10 years.
Monthly treatments are frustrating! I have used antiseptic creams twice a day and there has been no improvement.
Now at last I am free to appear! Thank you for your treatment and empathy! I can only recommend you! Your Adem
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Adem Avatar
I suffered from nodular rosacea antibiotic laser therapy and different creams help me get rid of nasty disease. Thank you for the excellent care. A visit is absolutely recommended
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Bernhard Faustenhammer Avatar
Bernhard Faustenhammer

Patient testimonials

About happy I went to a dermatologist for the first time for a check-up. After a recommendation, I went to see Dr. Orasche. Diagnosis: Rosacea. After the first Lazer treatment I could already see an enormous difference. I am so happy with the results and grateful to have found such a caring, kind and competent doctor! Both the team in Vienna and the practice in Tulln are just great. Absolute recommendation
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From a DocFinder user
From a DocFinder user
Excellent advice I had knotted rosacea for over 10 years.
Monthly treatments are frustrating! I have used antiseptic creams twice a day and there has been no improvement.
Now at last I am free to appear! Thank you for your treatment and empathy! I can only recommend you! Your Adem
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Adem Avatar
I suffered from nodular rosacea antibiotic laser therapy and different creams help me get rid of nasty disease. Thank you for the excellent care. A visit is absolutely recommended
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Bernhard Faustenhammer Avatar
Bernhard Faustenhammer

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