Weight loss with the HCG diet

The so-called HCG diet was developed by Dr. Simeon over 40 years ago. It is a tried and tested, very successful cure and method for losing weight quickly with hormones in a natural and healthy way.
lose weight with the hcg diet
Table of contents

The HCG Diet - Description

The daily supply of the placental hormone HCG gives the body a natural feeling of satiety. This is due to the fact that the organism is hormonally put into the same state as in pregnancy and always wants to maintain the blood sugar level.

Lose weight in problem zones

The metabolism is stimulated so that storage and depot fats (diet-resistant fat pads) are mobilised and melt away. The supply of HCG with a special diet causes weight loss especially in the typical problem zones, excluding the face and the female breast.

Diet without hunger pangs

It is interesting that there is absolutely no feeling of hunger. The supply of HCG causes the blood sugar level to always be kept at a minimum level and there is no hypoglycaemia, which usually causes cravings. The satiety centre (hypothalamus) is reprogrammed and you feel full again when eating and feel good.

Power and energy

HCG also has a mood-lifting effect, which means that you are full of strength and energy. You are fully fit for action, even if you perform heavy physical activities or do sports. Furthermore, you see results relatively quickly and are full of motivation to want to lose more weight in order to finally achieve the ideal figure. Despite a large reduction in volume (5-10 kg in four weeks), this effective method creates the most beautiful results, without wrinkles and with a clear improvement in any cellulite.

Frequently asked questions about the HCG diet

What is HCG?

HCG (hormone chorionic gonadotropin, or the so-called "hormone"). Placental hormone) is a natural hormone that is produced during every pregnancy and mobilises the mother's fat depots as needed for energy production. This hormone is produced in the placenta and is completely neutral. How does HCG work? The injected HCG - in combination with special nutrition - causes the fat deposits of the problem zones to be accessed. Only through the influence of HCG can this "abnormal fat" be brought out of the depots, similar to pregnancy, where an embryo needs an ideal supply of nutrients. The mother's blood must always be saturated with nutrients, regardless of whether she eats or not. HCG brings about the constant saturation of the blood. At the same time, it also stimulates thyroid metabolism, which leads to increased fat burning.

Where does HCG originate?

This hormone is produced in the placenta and is completely neutral.

Why can you lose weight with the HCG diet?

HCG brings about the constant saturation of the blood. At the same time, thyroid metabolism is also stimulated, which leads to increased fat burning.

How is the HCG diet carried out?

After a thorough consultation and medical assessment, you will be given an injection twice a week (for 6-8 weeks).

What does the injected HCG do for the diet?

In conjunction with calorie reduction, it causes the fat deposits of the body's problem areas to be accessed and converts these fat deposits into normal fat.
Only through the influence of HCG can this 'abnormal fat' be brought out of the depots, similar to pregnancy, where an embryo needs an ideal supply of nutrients.

Is the diet monitored by a doctor?

A weekly check-up in the practice monitors the progress and positive success of your HCG diet.

Why not just calorie reduction like other diets?

With a responsible diet, almost everyone loses weight. However, it is primarily muscle and connective tissue that is lost. Due to the attack on the normal fat reserves, people on conventional slimming diets look exhausted and aged, and usually feel tired and flabby. It is also not possible to keep the blood sugar level constant with conventional diets.

What is different with HCG along with calorie reduction?

However, when calories are reduced with the addition of HCG, well-being and performance increase, as this is what nature intended for pregnancy. Despite enormous calorie reduction, the blood is supplied with sufficient nutrients through the supply of HCG and one has no deficiency symptoms.

HCG diet, what do I have to do without?

Basically, you can eat whatever you want on the HCG diet. However, you should avoid any flavour enhancers (e.g. glutamate, Maggi, etc.). You should also cut out alcohol (inhibits the breakdown of fat), sugar and carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread, pasta, rice and anything sweet.

On the other hand, the essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements that the body cannot produce itself should be supplied to the body. These are mainly found in vegetables (e.g. green leaf lettuce, courgettes, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, spinach, bean sprouts and many more). The daily intake of 2 to 3 litres of water is essential. Any intake of protein is desired and allowed.

What is particularly important on the HCG diet?

Drink water! The daily intake of 2 to 3 l of water.

Why HCG and not just calorie reduction?

Almost everyone loses weight on a 500 to 700 calorie diet. However, it is primarily muscle and connective tissue that is lost. Due to the attack on the normal fat reserves, people on conventional slimming diets look exhausted and aged and usually feel tired and flabby. It is also not possible to keep blood sugar levels constant with conventional diets. With special diets with the addition of HCG, however, well-being and performance increase, as this is what nature intended for pregnancy. Despite enormous calorie reduction. The blood is supplied with sufficient nutrients through the supply of HCG and one has no deficiency symptoms.


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