Pigmentation spots removal

Age spots and pigment spots are benign skin changes. They are caused by excessive storage of the pigment melanin in the skin. In our surgeries in Vienna and Tulln we use the most modern, non-invasive methods to treat pigment spots.
Removing pigmentation spots with the Plasma Pen
Table of contents

Remove pigmentation spots - treat age spots:

In our surgeries in Vienna and Tulln, we offer state-of-the-art options for the removal of pigmentation spots. The best time for depigmentation is the cooler season.

Forms of therapy are:

What are pigment spots and how do they develop?

Pigment spots can be seen on the skin as flat, mostly light to dark brown patches. They can take on different shapes and be of different sizes.

Age spots and pigment spots are benign skin changes. They are caused by excessive storage of the pigment melanin in the skin. Genetic predisposition, hormonal situation, increasing age or excessive sun exposure can lead to an increased production of melanin. If the cell damage accumulates, there is an increased storage of melanin. This condition is also called hyperpigmentation.

Freckles and age spots are pigment spots that appear especially on areas that are frequently exposed to the sun, such as the face, back of the hands, forearms or shoulders. Age spots are a special form of pigment spots that accumulate with age. Spots that appear during pregnancy are hormonal and usually disappear on their own.

Especially blond and red-haired people with fair skin tend to store more melanin in the skin (hyperpigmentation). Age and pigment spots are usually round or oval and sharply defined. They are basically harmless, but in rare cases they can contain germ cells for a malignant skin cancer. A Regular check-up at the dermatologist ensures safety.

Depigmentation methods

Remove pigmentation spots with Fraxel laser and peeling
Remove pigmentation spots with Fraxel laser and chemical peeling

Laser treatment of pigmentation spots with the Fraxel Dual Laser

The brown pigment spots on the face, but also on the back of the hands, known as age spots, betray our age. Many people find an uneven skin appearance due to pigmented sun damage disturbing.

Treatment with the high-quality laser improves the appearance of hyperpigmentation. Treatment with the state-of-the-art high-tech laser, which can penetrate twice as deep into the skin as any other laser, spares the upper layers of the skin to the maximum. The application is painless, with the Fraxel laser the skin is renewed non-invasively. Pigments are released from deeper layers of the skin, and wrinkles are smoothed at the same time. Laser therapies also reduce age spots. The skin is renewed naturally by the Fraxel laser, as the treated skin sheds the dead tissue, just like after a sunburn.

Treatment with the Mini Fraxel Laser Clear and Brilliant can also be carried out in the surgery. With this method, the laser is rolled over the skin. The fractionated laser beams are targeted to the areas of skin to be treated, while the surrounding tissue remains undamaged. The result is even skin with visibly reduced pigmentation spots.

Treat age spots with radiofrequency therapy

At the same time, take action against various skin problems:

By combining the three different methods of Radiofrequency, ultrasound and electrophoresis, Beauty Radiofrequency works against many skin problems and, in addition to eliminating age spots, also brings back the skin's natural elasticity. Through the Ultrasoundwhich generates elastic waves with 27,000 vibrations per second, dead skin cells are removed and the skin's self-regeneration is stimulated.

Chemical peels

Dermabrasion (skin abrasion) using fruit acids (alpha-hydroxy acid peeling) is suitable for the treatment of acne scars as well as for the removal of unsightly pigmentation and age spots.
Acidic solutions are applied to the skin layers to be treated. Fruit acid or salicylic acid are usually used. Once the superficial layers of skin have been removed, a significantly improved skin texture is revealed. However, the effect of the fruit acid peeling wears off again, so it should be repeated every 4-6 weeks.

Treating pigmentation and age spots with creams

Alternatively, various lightening creams can be used. Ingredients such as vitamin A acid, vitamin C, thiamidol or albumin are used. It is important to follow the dermatologist's instructions exactly, as too much can be harmful to the skin.

Active ingredients against pigmentation and age spots

The skin-friendly ingredient thiamidol fades pigmentation spots with regular use.

Arbutin is a natural source of hydroquinine that is especially popular in Asia. Creams with this ingredient, which can also be produced industrially, can bleach pigment spots.

Vitamin A acid/ Vitamin C:
Both vitamin C derivatives and vitamin A derivatives are used against pigmentation and age spots. In creams, they are usually available in combination with other active ingredients. Retinoids can cause irritation and redness of the skin at the beginning of the treatment. You have to approach the individually correct dose slowly.

Frequently asked questions about age and pigment spots


What can be done to prevent pigmentation or age spots?

Avoid the sun: Age spots develop when the skin is exposed to intensive UV radiation often and for long periods without protection. Use adequate UV protection and avoid prolonged sunbathing.

Excessive coffee consumption, alcohol and nicotine promote pigmentation and age spots.

What home remedies for pigmentation spots?

Lemon oil: Apply cold-pressed lemon or orange essential oil to the pigment spot overnight. Citrus fruits contain the enzyme tyrosinase, which plays a major role in the production of melanin.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera gel from the health food store is considered a panacea for skin irritations. Apply to the corresponding areas for 30 minutes. Those with sensitive skin should be careful when applying the fresh juice of the plant.

Onion: Cut open the red onion and drag it over the age spot.

Can diet influence pigmentation spots?

Our diet should not be underestimated when it comes to pigment formation in old age. Age spots develop because the lysosomes in the cells can no longer completely break down the melanin. Foods that contain a lot of selenium or vitamin E can help break down age spots. Pineapple, fresh blood oranges and green tea also ensure sufficient melanin breakdown.

Are pigment spots dangerous?

Pigmentation and age spots are basically harmless. In rare cases, however, they can contain germ cells for malignant skin cancer. A regular birthmark check is advisable.


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