Upper arm lift without surgery

With increasing age, the skin tissue on the upper arms sags. These so-called angular arms, or bat arms, are unsightly and can be straightened by means of an upper arm lift without surgery. We offer various non-invasive methods for tightening or lifting the upper arms.
Upper arm lift without surgery
Table of contents

Have angled arms tightened

As part of the normal ageing process, the skin tissue on the upper arms slackens. This leads to the development of so-called "bat arms". This colloquial term refers to the sagging skin flaps on the underside of the upper arms, which move unattractively when the arms are moved, e.g. when waving. Especially in the warmer months of the year, this becomes a major problem for many women. With the help of modern aesthetic medicine techniques, it is now possible to tighten and rejuvenate the tissue. In our practices in Vienna and Tulln, the most effective and safest method currently available, the HIFU Lifting offered.

What is the cause of angled arms?

The skin loses elasticity and volume with increasing age. A weakness in the connective tissue, which mainly affects women, causes excess skin on the upper arms. Particularly pronounced are angular arms after losing a lot of weight or after hormonal changes at the beginning of the menopause. Women who are overweight can also suffer from sagging arms due to an incorrect distribution of fat. You can counteract this with regular, targeted exercises that strengthen the upper arm muscles.

Upper arm lift without surgery in Vienna

Non-invasive methods for an upper arm lift

There are different solutions for tightening or lifting depending on the severity of the angled arms. After an initial consultation, we will find the right method for you:

Upper arm lift with the laser

Tightening sagging upper arms with a laser is a popular and innovative alternative to surgery. By using this modern technique, the upper arms can be tightened effectively and without complications. The advantage of this method is that the laser can be adjusted to the patient's individual wishes regarding the tightening of the tissue. Many customers do not want a perfect result, but a natural one. A further advantage over a surgical procedure is that there is no post-operative bleeding and there is no risk of vascular or nerve damage. As with all minimally invasive procedures, the treating doctor should have years of experience with the method and take the time to define the desired goal together with the patient and then be able to carry it out without complications.

Upper arm lift with radiofrequency

This excellently tolerated method activates cell metabolism, stimulates collagen formation and thus tightens the upper arms. Three complementary forms of therapy - radiofrequency, ultrasound and electrophoresis - produce a natural result and restore elasticity to the skin. Electrophoresis and ultrasound provide deep cleansing, promote lymphatic drainage and help to incorporate active ingredients that are introduced during the treatment. This stimulates the fibroblasts to produce more collagen and thus rejuvenate the tissue. The reactions after the treatment are mild and short-lived. A course of several sessions at weekly intervals is recommended. The effect can be seen after a few weeks and is long-lasting.

Get rid of angular arms with radiofrequency microneedling

3D HIFU technology (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) represents the most modern technology in aesthetic medicine and fulfils the highest demands. The ultra-modern ultrasound device can effectively reach the so-called SMAS layers (muscle layers) of the skin with the help of focused ultrasound waves, which leads to the contraction of collagen fibres. The treated skin areas become more elastic, new collagen fibres are built up and regeneration processes are set in motion. Fat deposits, wrinkles and sagging skin, such as on the upper arms, can be treated with ease.

RF Microneedling with HIFU - Highly efficient tightening

3D HIFU technology (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) represents the most modern technology in aesthetic medicine and fulfils the highest demands. The ultra-modern ultrasound device can effectively reach the so-called SMAS layers (muscle layers) of the skin with the help of focused ultrasound waves, which leads to the contraction of collagen fibres. The treated skin areas become more elastic, new collagen fibres are built up and regeneration processes are set in motion. Fat deposits, wrinkles and sagging skin, such as on the upper arms, can be treated with ease.

In our practice in Vienna, we offer you the most innovative method currently available with a combination device, the Focus Dual RF plus HIFU. This new technique combines HIFU with RF microneedling using a vacuum system. It is now possible to reach the skin even at levels that are difficult to access. The HIFU ultrasound waves act with pinpoint accuracy on different depths of the tissue (up to a depth of 13 mm). The in-built RF microneedle system offers the possibility of precise insertion of fine needles to a depth of 0.5 to 3.5 mm. The repair processes that are subsequently triggered make the newly formed skin appear taut and rejuvenated. The result is long-lasting and natural-looking.

Arm lift using carboxytherapy

This form of therapy is well suited to tightening the upper arms if there is a loss of elasticity or too much fatty tissue. In the carboxy method, CO₂ gas is injected under the excess skin using thin needles or a laser device. The subsequent stimulation of the metabolism (lipolytic effect) leads to the removal of destroyed fat cells and water retention - the newly formed skin is firmer and looks younger.

Upper arm lift - surgical method:

If there is extremely large excess skin, especially after major weight loss, a brachioplasty (upper arm lift) may be the treatment of choice.

Frequently asked questions and tips on upper arm lifts

Is it possible to get rid of angled arms by building muscle?

Sagging arms occur when there is too little muscle mass in relation to the skin. To permanently tighten the upper arms, you need to start exercising them at the first sign of sagging skin. Increasing muscle volume will plump up the sagging underside of the upper arms from the inside. Not only the biceps and triceps should be trained, but also the shoulder muscles. Push-ups, training with dumbbells and swimming are ideal.

Upper arm tightening by means of training
Targeted training keeps the upper arms firm for longer.

Do massages help with flabby upper arms?

By gently massaging the skin with a massage sponge, metabolic processes are set in motion. This allows nutrients to penetrate the different layers of the skin more effectively. With regular use, the skin becomes more beautiful and slightly firmer. Alternating showers can intensify the effect.

The right diet for sagging tissue

For sagging skin, it is important to consume enough protein. Antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E) ensure a firmer complexion.

Hyaluronic acid plumps up sagging tissue

To counteract the loss of volume in general, you can Hyaluronic acid and collagen in the form of a daily beauty drink. With increasing age, the body produces less and less of this itself. Hyaluronic acid products that are applied externally only have a short-term plumping effect on the skin.


Elective medical practice - no health insurance funds

As an elective doctor's practice, we issue an invoice that you can submit to your health insurance company.
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